-10kg # achieve your goal weight and dream body fast
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This weight loss subliminal is tailored for individuals seeking to shed persistent or undesirable weight that appears resistant to change, regardless of dietary or exercise adjustments. It provides a specific goal, but it doesn't restrict the extent to which weight can be lost, whether MORE or less than the specified target weight.
This subliminal is produced using the Premium version, with the Ripple and A1 formulas. What makes it exceptionally powerful is the inclusion of a SUPERCHARGED booster, amplifying the effectiveness of the subliminal and accelerating the manifestation of your desires. It also features a RESULTS MULTIPLIER, yielding remarkable and rapid transformations.
- lose 10 kg OR your desired specific weight goal in mind
- effortlessly lose weight
- manifest desired weight
- extreme and complete removal of unwanted/excess weight and body fats
- weight constantly decreases until you achieve IDEAL and desired results
- manifest extremely wonderful and dramatic improvements in your physique
- lose weight swiftly, easily and effortlessly
- instant body slimming and contouring
- body look extremely slim and attractive
- achieve your goal weight and dream body fast
- be able to wear anything you want with conidence and poise!
- always receive compliments wherever you go
Duration: 10 minutes
Recommended listening time: ONCE or up to 3x daily