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FULLY healed back, complete body regeneration, PERFECT Health ++

FULLY healed back, complete body regeneration, PERFECT Health ++


This is a custom subliminal, which is only available for purchase and will not be published on my channel. The requester gave me authorization to post this.


This subliminal message aims to bring out the body's natural ability to regenerate, allowing you to achieve optimum vitality and health! Instantly and completely restore your back to its natural and ideal state, achieving a perfect, healthy condition. 


This subliminal is created in the MOST POWERFUL version; Supreme

Sound used: Fireplace


Custom Subliminal # 1810


  • instantly, completely healed back 
  • send healing energy to your back, restoring it to its natural, ideal state 
  • perfect back
  • healthy back
  • complete regeneration of body 
  • 100% optimal body health; regeneration of the body
  • body has the ability to regenerate and restore itself to optimal health
  • you’re in a perfect alignment with the natural flow of healing energy
  • instantly, completely free of chronic pain 
  • body is filled with comfort and ease
  • body has the ability to heal and restore itself to its natural, ideal state 
  • perfect health
  • extremely IDEAL physical health 
  • zero back pain
  • healthy, perfect back 
  • instantly release any strain/pain and tension in your back and neck
  • healthy, perfect neck
  • zero neck pain
  • neck and back are now in a state of perfect heath 
  • ideal neck and back


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